The Joke That Is Ivanka Trump's Brand

President Trump's daughter-wife (kudos to Bill Maher for coining the denomination ) had dreams of Versace. Then, reality slapped her in the face and she had to pivot! The New York heiress with no sex tape decided to become an inspiration for what a very smart marketing team called "Women Who Work". After all who could embody the dreams of self made success better than Donald Trump's daughter? Gag on the irony! For Ivanka's target audience, Donald Trump was just the Orange guy who hosts the apprentice and who whines about everything Obama. They knew nothing or very little about the sex scandals, the bankruptcies, the I-would-date-her-if-she-wasn't-my-daughter, the obsession with the Central Park Five, the marking-Afro-Americans-applications-with-the-letter-c-for-colored and every other thing that surfaced or resurfaced ever since he declared all Mexicans  rapists. Even if they knew, they didn't really care. As far as they were concerned, Ivanka wa

How America landed itself Trump

Hours before Trump's first State of the Union, let's remember how we got here!

In her concession speech, popular vote winner secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized. She said sorry. And her apology broke my heart. As a woman who once contemplated a career in politics, I experimented firsthand the deeply rooted yet widely denied sexism and bigotry in politics. Former colleagues and former fellow activists are definitely rolling their eyes now, shocked by my misrepresentation of the truth. Nothing is going to convince them of their sexism and bigotry. Why, you would ask. Because what is internationally defined as sexism and bigotry is how they understand respect.

Anyhow, feminism isn’t why I wanted Hillary to win. I know she’s not a widely loved figure, she’s definitely not the most charismatic candidate in the world, but she is a politician. And presidential elections aren’t about how much the candidate can physically “impress” a bunch of fat rich old white men, presidential elections about the beauty of the soul, presidential elections aren’t about the tight relationship between red roses and world peace! Presidential elections are about politics and policies. Presidential elections were about politics and policies until they became about anything and everything they shouldn’t be about. And the bunch of idiots who transformed what was once a healthy battle of ideas into the opportunity for a seventy-year-old toddler to prove he is entitled to the presidency are the ones who should apologize.

Yes, she is, had been, and will always be the wicked witch of the West Wing, and she isn’t the one who should apologize!

The media should apologize for giving him air time, for treating him as porcelain, for lowering the bar, for forgetting about his scandals, for looking the emails side every time they should have been looking the Trump Tower side, for giving him thousands of passes, for giving him a free platform, for respecting him, for not pressing him enough on the tax returns, for not asking enough detailed questions about his policies, for not digging enough into potential conflicts of interest, for playing his game every single time

Mika Brzezinski should apologize for flirting with Joe at the expense of the Democratic party,

Joe Scarborough should apologize for flirting with the vice presidency at the expense of the world and for only attacking Trump when the latter called Mika crazy,

The women (Susan Sarandon) who claimed to not vote with their vaginas should apologize for reducing all that Hillary Clinton is to a simple battle of the sexes,

The reality stars should apologize for using the elections to promote their family feud, who thought it would be smart to cash on their positions instead of doing something positive with their ass deserved famed,

Taylor Swift should apologize for staying silent, for not endorsing Hillary just because Katy Perry endorsed her first,

CNN should apologize for hiring Cory Lewandowski and the two blondies who never learned the definition of fact and giving them air time to deliver Trump’s message,

MSNBC should apologize for giving Morning Joe the chance to humanize Trump and demonize Hillary while Fox New was destroying Hillary and publicly campaigning for Trump,

The FBI should apologize for the email stunt they pulled two weeks before the elections,

Anthony Weiner should apologize for his inability to keep it in his pants until after the elections,

The Young Turk and David Pakman should apologize for being so afraid of being labeled biased they trashed their own candidate in the name of professionalism,

The reporters should apologize for not digging enough in the past of Jared Kushner back when it mattered,

The apprentice cast and crew should apologize for hiding incriminating videos that could possibly land the orange stain in jail,

Every man who voted for Trump the only candidate with a dick should apologize,

Every man who can’t respect his wife and needs to control her and her body and who voted for Trump/Pence should apologize,

Every woman who voted for Trump fearing she would be labeled as a feminist should apologize,

Every human who voted for Trump because they aren’t okay with helping the less fortunate (healthcare issues and repealing Obamacare come to mind) should apologize,

Every religious moron who thinks homosexuals households are a threat to their heterosexual ones should apologize,

Every idiot who thinks who pees where is a matter of national security should apologize,

Every person who overlooked the bankruptcies and voted for the man with the name on a tower should apologize,

Every person who voted for the candidate with the hotter daughter should apologize,

Every person who voted to stop the funding Planned Parenthood should apologize,

Every person who voted for Trump so they won’t have to bake a cake for gay weddings should apologize,

Every Democrat who thought it would be smart to bash the establishment candidate should apologize,

Every refugee-phobic who voted for the defender of the Aryan race should apologize,

Every Islam-phobic who voted for the all-seeing NostraDonald should apologize,

Every Republican Trump insulted and yet voted for the Orange Stain should apologize,

Every spineless republican who didn’t have the balls to take a patriotic stand should apologize,

Bill Clinton should apologize,

The whole world should apologize, and before we do, we should feel ashamed of ourselves, ashamed that in this day and age a painfully uninformed clown defeated a human being who should have been president because somehow, electors and people with an opinion thought it would be smartest to think of an idiot as better, because others will think of us as smarter beings, men and women able to understand a complicated mind, a mind that finally proved to be occupied by two things, one being screwing his own daughter.

I wish I could be as adamant as Kate McKinnon and look the world in the eye and say that I won’t give up! We shouldn’t give up, we should resist, and we should hope, as Seth Meyers, to live and see the inauguration of the woman who will break the ultimate glass ceiling!


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