The Joke That Is Ivanka Trump's Brand

President Trump's daughter-wife (kudos to Bill Maher for coining the denomination ) had dreams of Versace. Then, reality slapped her in the face and she had to pivot! The New York heiress with no sex tape decided to become an inspiration for what a very smart marketing team called "Women Who Work". After all who could embody the dreams of self made success better than Donald Trump's daughter? Gag on the irony! For Ivanka's target audience, Donald Trump was just the Orange guy who hosts the apprentice and who whines about everything Obama. They knew nothing or very little about the sex scandals, the bankruptcies, the I-would-date-her-if-she-wasn't-my-daughter, the obsession with the Central Park Five, the marking-Afro-Americans-applications-with-the-letter-c-for-colored and every other thing that surfaced or resurfaced ever since he declared all Mexicans  rapists. Even if they knew, they didn't really care. As far as they were concerned, Ivanka wa

Let's Talk About Meghan McCain

Let's talk about Meghan McCain

After Jedidah Bila was allegedly shown the door after an out of line questioning of former secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Meghan McCain was hired as the one constant conservative voice on ABC's The View. Conservative co hosts on the view have long served as Joy Behar's nemesis and punch bag. One can't forget how many times Elizabeth Hasselbeck was publicly humiliated or Jedidah silenced by the liberal comedian.

Meghan McCain is not just another former Fox News employee with hardcore conservative views, she's the daughter of senator John McCain, the United States' war hero who was detained and tortured for five in year in Hanoi Hilton, and who has been diagnosed late last year with an agressive form of brain cancer. Meghan did not vote for Trump, not because the man is a pig but because he insulted her father. Meghan 1 - Ted Cruz 0

But even though she refused to vote for Trump, she turned into a Trump apologist. She's the only one on the panel who refers to him as "President Trump" and always jumps to his defense. If she doesn't want to outright defend him, she defends those who voted for him: they didn't vote for him because he's a bigot, a racist, a sexist, an abuser and a rapist; they voted for him because of his economic hallucinations, I mean, vision. Sometimes, she knows she's going to sound crazy and starts her defense of Trump by reminding us she didn't vote for him. Oh and let's not forget that she keeps mentioning that she's a conservative and had always been one, as if repeating it would redeem her in the eyes of the spineless Republicans on the Hill.

It's not easy to hate Meghan McCain. She's no Elizabeth Hasselbeck or Ivanka Trump. When she mentions her father, you can't cringe! When she mentions the army, you can't call her on her hypocrisy. And that's exactly why we should talk about Meghan. 

Meghan is the poster girl for conservative America. She might lose all her debates on The View - after all conservatives are on the wrong side of each and every issue in the world - but she is a poised, calm, pure conservative who appeals to her peers. For those who are disgusted by Trump, Meghan is a reminder that not all Republicans are okay with unsollicited groping by the genitals as well as a reminder that kneeling during the anthem insults the flag and the troops. 

The real tragedy of Meghan McCain is that she became a Trump apologist, one of the most efficient and effective ones, in the name of the conservatism, a conservatism that is backing the man who denegrated her father's service to the very country she loves.

So let's get real for a moment! We are all allowed to our own opinions but not to our own facts. Meghan is a conservative pundit, the kind who will talk about Monica Lewinsky when asked about Stormy Daniels, who will talk about the Podesta emails when asked about Rob Porter, the kind who will mention her father's service when asked about the defense contractors. And the real problem in today's world is not Trump or his enablers. The real problem is conservatism, an ideology that conned republicans into electing Trump. Meghan McCain is part of the problem, the deep rooted problem, the one that will keep rocking the United States and the World long after Donald Trump's impeachment - hopefully - or his fall from grace in 2024. Why 2024 you might ask and not 2020? Well, answer is quite clear don't you think! Because Meghan McCain and her peers are the constant reminder that "hey conservatives, voting for Trump is the only way to keep reality and facts away from power!". 


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